Sunday 8 August 2021
Auckland City Mission Celebrates Gift Of Māori Name
The Auckland City Mission recently celebrated receiving a Māori name – Te Tāpui Atawhai. The organisation’s new name represents the Mission’s connection across their whānau whānui, compassionate approach to care and support for those who need it most.
Te Tāpui Atawhai was offered to the Mission by Rereata Makiha, a revered Matua. He spoke with Otene Reweti, Kaumatua of Te Tāpui Atawhai , and Board trustee Lyndon Drake, to offer a name that speaks to the organisation’s kaupapa.
The Auckland City Missioner has also received a Māori title of Manutaki, essentially meaning the bird that leads. The current Missioner – Manutaki, Helen Robinson, says she will wear the title with pride and gratitude.
The Mission acknowledges Te Tāpui Atawhai is so much more than simply a name. It’s recognition of the Mission’s commitment to accepting and understanding the effects of colonisation on our country. It’s also acknowledgement of the harm colonisation has caused and of the Mission’s place in the reparation needed to move forward as one country of two founding partners.
Ms Robinson says that receiving Te Tāpui Atawhai is an integral part of the Mission’s journey and an honour in its 101st year.