Residential services

The Mission's residential services fall under the broad banner of transitional, or temporary housing.

We have two residential transitional housing services – the James Liston Hostel and Te Whare Hīnātore. We also offer Auckland’s only residential, non-medical alcohol and drug detoxification centre.

Transitional housing offers 12 weeks in a safe, stable environment while seeking a permanent home. Support continues for a further 12 weeks beyond that, with a Key Worker continuing alongside the client after they are housed.

There’s often no single simple ‘quick fix’ solution to getting a home, so we work very closely with the person we’re supporting and partner organisations. This could include anything from budgeting support and mental health care to community engagement.

Our residential services

James Liston Hostel

Tēnā koutou katoa, Bula vinaka, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa atu

The James Liston Hostel provides:

  • temporary housing for up to 50 people at any one time
  • a range of practical, relevant and hands-on help and support to seek permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping.
  • 3 meals per day, communal living, 24-hour staffing and access to a laundry.

Just as every client is different, the way we help differs too. The team from James Liston Hostel tailors support to best meet the needs of the individual rather than a one size fits all service.

Te Whare Hīnātore

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā hau e whā, tēnā koutou katoa

The specialness of Te Whare Hīnātore is that it operates as a modified therapeutic community,  within a kaupapa Māori framework. Accommodation is available for up to 17 wāhine, (or those who identify as wāhine). Hīnātore represents the glimmer of light or luminescent light, from which all wāhine living within this service are guided by.

The programme aims to plant the seeds of transformation for wāhine to begin to restore their sense of personal worth, identify trauma and build their confidence. Each wāhine[s] journey is personal and may include parenting, psychotherapy, group sessions and alcohol and/or other drug programmes, te reo, waiata.

The Mission opened Te Whare Hīnātore in February 2020, in response to the growing demand and desire of wāhine living on the streets of Auckland to have a safe space.  For many Te Whare Hīnātore is a starting point.

Te Whare Hīnātore is open to any wāhine who wants to live and engage within a Kaupapa Māori environment.

Withdrawal services (Detox)

We offer Auckland’s only residential, non-medical alcohol and drug detoxification centre. It’s a caring and guided environment where people looking to come off alcohol and drugs without medication, can do so in a safe, supportive context. People usually stay for about two weeks. After their stay, we keep supporting the individual to continue with their positive lifestyle changes.

Our centre is open to anyone over the age of 18. It provides:

  • a safe environment
  • nutritious food
  • a quiet space in which to reflect
  • access to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous programmes
  • professional, confidential advice, support and advocacy.

Our staff and volunteers provide a 24-hour residential service for up to 15 people at a time.

To speak with an Alcohol & Drug Community Worker, phone 09 303 3016 Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm, or email us.


Your support last year, helped


women cared for at Te Whare Hīnātore


people cared for at James Liston Hostel


people cared for through withdrawal

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In 2024, generous

people like you have

helped Aucklanders in need...


food parcels distributed to families & individuals in greatest need*


health consultations at Calder Health Centre*


admissions to our social detox programme*, supporting people on the road to recovery