Information for schools

Thank you for your interest in learning about the work we do.

This section has information about how you and your school can make a difference.

More information about our work, and our services are on some of the other pages in this section of the website. There are also some great fundraising ideas in the Support Us section.

"Walk my life" learning simluation

Walk My Life is a learning simulation that seeks to help learners aged 14-17 understand some of the challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness.

This resource attempts to “spark a conversation” for students, allowing them to explore their ideas and feelings about this complex topic. We hope it will serve schools as another item in your kete – adding to your basket of knowledge.

We suggest that teachers look at “Resources” beforehand which include questions for students to think about before and after and a list of links to organisations if people require any support.

The “Take Action” gives further ideas and prompts for schools if learners wish to act and join with us in our Mission to aim for accessible kai, hauora and kāinga for all.

Learn about the issues

We are currently developing downloadable factsheets for schools on poverty, homelessness, hunger and health.  In the meantime, check out the What We Do section on this website to find out more about our work.

Contact Information

Take action at your school

There are lots of great ways that you and your school community can support Aucklanders in greatest need – and we are truly grateful for your support, whatever you decide to do!  The Mission’s work would not be possible without the generous support that we receive from schools like yours every year.

There’s information on organising a food drive here.

Events like bake sales, uniform-free days, market days or concerts are great ways to raise money for the Mission at your school. Get in touch with us on [email protected] to let us know what you’ve got planned and to find out how we can support you.

Here are some fun fundraising challenges your class and your teachers could take on to support the Mission.  Get sponsored to take part in:

  • A readathon
  • A waiata wero
  • A dance marathon
  • Climbing your local maunga
  • A digital detox (giving up your devices for a week or a weekend)
Raise awareness

One of the most important ways you can address issues like homelessness and poverty is to talk about it – with friends, family, your classmates.  Poverty can sometimes be ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for people who are lucky enough not to be affected by it, but we have a shared responsibility to make sure that no-one is left behind.

Make your voice heard

Write to politicians and decision-makers to tell them you care about these issues and want them to take strong action to address poverty, homelessness and hunger in our community.

When you’re 18, vote for political parties who will take concrete actions to address issues such as hunger, homelessness and access to healthcare.

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In 2024, generous

people like you have

helped Aucklanders in need...


food parcels distributed to families & individuals in greatest need*


health consultations at Calder Health Centre*


admissions to our social detox programme*, supporting people on the road to recovery