Give hope one meal at a time.

Right now, 1 in 5 people in Aotearoa are struggling to get access to enough good, nutritious food.

The current cost of living crisis means that people who were already struggling to make ends meet with increasing costs of housing, transport, power and other basic essentials, are now finding there is no money left for food.

We rely on donations from our community to provide food parcels to Aucklanders who are struggling to put food on the table.

Help us Feed It Forward. Organise a food drive in your community, church, school or work place.

Want to get started?

We have three packages you can choose to Feed It Forward: donate actual food, donate online or do both.

We have resources below to help you share your Feed It Forward fundraiser.

Food security staff with food parcel

Donate food

Rally your community, church, school or workplace to collect food to donate to those in need. Create a collection point, use the resources below and let everyone know how to donate.

Register Here

Online donation option for Feed it Forward

Donate online

You can donate online to support our food programmes. You can either make a one-off donation, or set up your own fundraising page and encourage your friends, family, colleagues etc to donate.

Sign Up Here

Feed it forward online donation option and staff with food parcel

Donate both

You want to do a collection but there may be some people on the day that forget to bring their donation in. We know people really want to contribute so here's a way to provide options so everyone can take part.

Register Here


We have a range of free resources to help make your collection a success!



Social Tiles 

You are welcome to use as many of our social tiles as you like across all of your social channels.

Don’t forget to tag @aucklandcitymission in your posts! We love to see what you’re doing!

Click on image to download.


Graphic only:

Social Tile 1 Feed It Forward Social Tile 2 Feed It Forward Social Tile 3 Feed It Forward  Social Tile 4 Feed It Forward Feed It Forward graphic social tile 2


With images:

Feed It Forward young group social tileFeed It Forward Social Tile with child Feed It Forward women social tileFeed It Forward young group social tile 2



Your Impact

Here's the difference you can make to someone who doesn't have access to adequate food.

* names have been changed for privacy

Feed it forward quote 1


Feed it forward quote 2


Feed it forward quote 3


Ready to sign up?

Register Now